In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: A Celebration of Jonathan Rosenbaum

No Longer Playing

110 mins


Presented by Tone Glow

Jonathan Rosenbaum will be in attendance for a post-screening Q&A. He will be selling and signing copies of his new book, In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: A Jonathan Rosenbaum Reader.

Film critic Jonathan Rosenbaum is one of Chicago's greatest treasures, providing decades of peerless insight into films both big and small, domestic and international. For one night only, see a rare film that sees him in the leading role. Peter Bull's The Two-Backed Beast, or The Critic Makes the Film (1978, 45 mins) is an experimental short film that finds Rosenbaum playing himself, being interviewed about a film that doesn't exist. Bull proceeds to create the film that Rosenbaum describes. The alternating footage provides insight into these two different modes of representation. The Two-Backed Beast will be preceded by two films hand-selected by Rosenbaum himself: Michael Snow's Breakfast (Table-Top Dolly) (1976, 15 mins) and Owen Land's On the Marriage Broker Joke as Cited by Sigmund Freud in Wit and Its Relation to the Unconscious, or Can the Avant-Garde Artist Be Wholed? (1977, 18 mins). All three films will be projected on 16mm.

110 mins

Showtimes for In Dreams Begin Responsibilities: A Celebration of Jonathan Rosenbaum

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