Through the Looking Glass

No Longer Playing

1976 91 mins

Jonas Middleton
Ron Wertheim, David Maryla, Jonas Middleton
Catharine Burgess, Jamie Gillis, Laura Nicholson

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Hosted by programmer and archivist Liz Purchell (AGFA, Ask Any Buddy)

Jonas Middleton's Through The Looking Glass will appeal in equal parts to fans of adult cinema and 70s arthouse horror films as it seamlessly blends its literary influences, occult and mirror obsessions into a harrowing, wildly ambitious, and phantasmagorical journey exploring one woman's journey through cyclical abuse and its soul-altering effects on the psyche. Anchored by an incredibly tender performance from Catharine Burgess and a terrifying turn from Jamie Gillis, along with an early score by legendary genre film composers Harry Manfredini and Arlon Ober, Glass remains one of the strongest, and most stunningly crafted, nightmare-inducing horror films of the 1970s -- adult or otherwise.

91 mins

Showtimes for Through the Looking Glass

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