Poster for Psycho III

Psycho III

No Longer Playing

1986 96 mins

Anthony Perkins
Charles Edward Pogue, Robert Bloch (characters)
Anthony Perkins, Diana Scarwid, Jeff Fahey

Sequel Sundays Feature | A Part of Music Box of Horrors at the Drive-In Presents: 31 Days of Terror

Picking up a few months after the events of Psycho II, Norman Bates is back at it again. This time, a former nun with an eerie resemblance to Marion Crane and a reporter who just won't quit digging into his past set him off, which begins a chain of horrific events. Directed by Norman himself, Anthony Perkins, Psycho III sees the series lean into the neon-tinged ‘80s and go sleazier, bloodier, more action packed, and more insane than ever as poor Norman slides deeper into psychosis. 

96 mins

Showtimes for Psycho III

There are currently no available showtimes for Psycho III