LABYRINTH captivated a generation with its story of a girl (a very teenage Jennifer Connelly) who sets out to save her baby brother from the clutches of the beguiling Jareth the Goblin King (a deliciously glam David Bowie), its infectious music (written and performed by the Goblin King himself), and tons of Henson's fabulous puppet creations.
Now, the Music Box Theatre, Alamo Drafthouse and Birth.Movies.Death. present the LABYRINTH QUOTE-ALONG, taking all of that magic and explodes it right off the screen and into the theater for an unforgettable interactive celebration that’ll have you singing, quoting, and dance (magic) dancing all night long.
With animated subtitles on screen for all best lines of dialog and every song lyric, so the whole theater can belt along with Bowie… and shout out “You have no power over me!” at just the right moment. Plus, your ticket includes a prop bag packed with magic goodies to bring the action vividly to life (bubbles! confetti poppers! smell-along cards! and more!).
Oh, and costumes are very much encouraged. Channel your inner Sarah or Hoggle, and of course there can never be too many Jareths.