The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh

No Longer Playing

1971 100 mins

Sergio Martino
Eduardo Manzanos, Ernesto Gastaldi, Vittorio Caronia
George Hilton, Edwige Fenech, Conchita Airoldi

Sponsored by the Italian Cultural Institute of Chicago

Director Sergio Martino in Attendance for a Post-Film Q&A

A year before they stunned the genre with ALL THE COLORS OF THE DARK, director Sergio Martino, co-writer Ernesto Gastaldi, and stars Edwige Fenech & George Hilton made their collaborative giallo debut with this incredible piece of cinema that is every bit as thrilling as Argento’s best. Fenech is at her most luminous as an unfaithful diplomat’s wife who finds herself hunted by a razor-wielding sex maniac while simultaneously haunted by her own depraved desires. Alberto de Mendoza, Cristina Airoldi, and Ivan Rassimov co-star in the daring shocker that set the pace for years to come. 

100 mins

Showtimes for The Strange Vice of Mrs. Wardh

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